If you are an enterprise, where you present your products and services as subscriptions, you need a subscription management platform, such as Chargify, to create and manage subscriptions efficiently.
Your sales teams spend much of their working hours in the CRM, such as SugarCRM, managing all aspects of their relationship with customers. By making Chargify’s functions available inside SugarCRM, you can drive greater operational efficiencies for your sales teams such that there are fewer renewals missed, and better quota achievements
Ambit’s SugarCRM-Chargify Connector “SugarCharge” not only integrates both the systems seamlessly, but also gives you a 360-degree view of your customers in SugarCRM.

- Manage your Subscription business from Lead to Cash from a single interface in SugarCRM with Ambit’s SugarCRM-Chargify integration
- Provides a 360-degree view of the Customer
- Natively built into SugarCRM and Sugar Integrate
- Available for SugarCRM Cloud (Sell/Serve/Professional) and On Premise (Enterprise version 10 onwards).
- Requires Sugar Integrate Advanced subscription.
- Works in Sandbox and Production environments