Automation and robotics have made smart factories and workplaces possible. While the benefits outweighed the roadblocks ahead, companies had to rethink their business models, processes, and technology mix. The delivery teams have to consider the complexity.
Implementing a solution that seamlessly integrates cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things (IoT), and cloud computing is a stretch goal for most enterprises. The challenges are many ranging from unproven software functionality, not many supporting use cases, a swarm of new devices, networks and sensors, new communication protocols, complex integration scenarios, industry-specific compliance and security requirements.
Ambit is an IoT solutions partner. We build and integrate software solutions that complete the IoT ecosystem.


Cloud Enablement
Understand the full potential of Cloud in your IoT initiatives. Tackling the most difficult challenges in IoT implementation.

Mobile App Development
Access data on the go with anywhere-anytime access. Bring data to your user through intuitive mobile apps.

Application Integration
Take full advantage of new and existing tools and data – proprietary or third party. Integrate silos and islands to make a greater impact from IoT initiative.

Big Data & Data Warehousing
Create a single source of truth. Bring massive amounts of data in a single repository and make sense.